OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 v23.0

OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 v23.0

OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 (

OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 ( | 683.1 mb

The Bentley Hydraulics and Hydrology product team are pleased to announce the availability of OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 ( This update includes enhancements and new features to help you be more successful with your hydraulics and hydrology modeling projects.

What’s new in OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 (
The initial 2023 release was version number, but a refreshed version number was released on November 24th, 2023, including fixes to a few user-reported issues.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 ( | 683.1 mb The Bentley Hydraulics and Hydrology product team are pleased to announce the availability of OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 ( This update includes enhancements and new features to help you be more successful with your hydraulics and hydrology modeling projects. What's new in OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2023 ( The initial 2023 release was version number, but a refreshed version number was released on November 24th, 2023, including fixes to a few user-reported issues.

With OpenFlows WorkSuite, you can confidently plan, design, and operate water systems of any complexity. OpenFlows technologies combine real-time intelligence with spatial analytics, delivering visibility and insights to ensure optimal real-world outcomes. Apply OpenFlows solutions to a wide array of water-related processes, including water distribution and analysis, sanitary and combined sewer management, and flood risk assessment and mitigation.
OpenFlows WaterGEMS provides you with a comprehensive yet easy-to-use decision-support tool for water distribution networks. The software helps improve your knowledge of how infrastructure behaves as a system, how it reacts to operational strategies, and how it should grow as population and demands increase. From fire flow and water quality simulations, to criticality and energy cost analysis, OpenFlows WaterGEMS has everything you need in a flexible multiplatform environment. OpenFlows WaterGEMS is a superset of OpenFlows WaterCAD.

Features and features of WaterGEMS software:

  • Analysis of piping system and critical points
  • Ability to optimize the system to protect against heat flows
  • Ability to build and manage hydraulic models
  • Complete design of water distribution network
  • Ability to plan for development of flushing operations
  • Ability to detect water leaks
  • Energy Management
  • Priority piping
  • Simulate the network live and in the moment
Professional DBA Asked 12 hours ago in Databases.
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