CODE V 2024.03 Optical Design Software full crack download license unlimited

CODE V 2024.03 Optical Design Software full crack download

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The CODE V 2024.03 release offers improved design workflow, faster image simulation, and enhanced learning capabilities. New features like Multi-Environment Coupling, an expanded Example Model Library, and metalens support have been introduced to foster innovation, save time, and provide comprehensive system analysis.

CODE V Optical Design Software – Photonics Spectra

Multi-Environment Coupling
CODE V’s Multi-Environment Coupling feature allows users to model and
optimize athermalized spacer-based lens designs across a wide range of
environmental conditions. The models consider changes in refractive index
and substrate prescription changes due to different temperatures, pressures,
and mounting links. An interoperability feature enables export of MultiEnvironment Coupling models to LightTools for further analysis.
Visualization Capability for Athermalization
Athermalization is a key part of optical design in which engineers consider
the effect of temperature changes on lens mounting. CODE V includes
a new visualization tool in V3D that assists with this process. The tool
shows engineers how the housing interacts with glass elements and
their interconnections, without having to know the details of the optomechanical mount.
CODE V MetaOptic Design
A breakthrough in optical technology, meta optical surfaces are thin, flat
surfaces that can augment traditional lenses. These complex surfaces can
now be efficiently designed in CODE V using a diffractive optic property
modeling process. Note that this tool is an add-on to CODE V that comes with
an additional fee and requires Synopsys Common Licensing.
Faster Image Simulation
The 2D Image Simulation (IMS) feature, which simulates imagery produced by
the lens defined in CODE V, includes a significant speed enhancement in this
release, particularly with machines using multiple processing cores.
Expanded Example Model Library
The CODE V Example Model Library helps you quickly learn how to use
specific features, including Global Synthesis, Beam Synthesis Propagation to
analyze diffraction-related characteristics, and SpecBuilder for setting up lens
system specifications. The library includes 11 new examples in this release.

Associate Asked on August 29, 2024 in Marketing.
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