What are anonymous classes in Java?

Anonymous classes are powerful features in Java that allow you to instantiate and declare a class simultaneously, without giving it any name. These classes are used to create small, unique classes that extend a superclass or implement an interface. Java Course in Pune

Anonymous classes are commonly used when dealing with callbacks or event listeners in GUI programming. You can implement each listener interface using an anonymous class and define the behavior of that interface inline, instead of creating a separate class.

Anonymous classes are also useful with interfaces or abstract classes that have a single abstract method. These interfaces and abstract classes are often called functional interfaces. They are particularly useful for working with Java’s features of functional programming, like lambda-expressions.

Anonymous classes are a convenient and quick way to create classes. However, they’re usually used for one-time implementations. It’s better to create a separate named class for more complex code or behavior. Anonymous classes are also limited in flexibility because they cannot contain constructors or initializers.

Newbie Asked on April 29, 2024 in Marketing.
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